Pet Physical Exams in Queen Creek, AZ | Revel Vet

Pet Physical Exams in Queen Creek, AZ

Regular physical exams are essential for maintaining your pet’s health, providing a baseline for early detection of diseases that may not be noticeable to owners. Catching health issues early can lead to simpler, more cost-effective treatments.

Benefits of physical exams for pets also include: 

  • Providing the pet with necessary vaccinations, parasite control, and advice on nutrition and weight management, helping to prevent diseases before they start
  • Examination of your pet’s teeth and gums to identify early signs of dental issues
  • Assessment of your pet’s behavior to provide advice on behavioral issues or changes that might indicate health problems
  • Helping pets become accustomed to veterinary settings, reducing stress during medical procedures, and build trust between the veterinarian, the pet, and the owner

Additional testing and screenings are vital for uncovering health issues in pets that aren’t obvious during a physical exam. These tests can reveal underlying conditions early, leading to timely treatment and more effective management of your pet’s health.

  • Hookworms: These are intestinal parasites that can cause anemia and gastrointestinal symptoms. They are typically spread through ingestion of larvae in the environment.
  • Roundworms: Common in dogs and cats, roundworms can affect pets of any age and are often spread through contaminated soil or feces.
  • Whipworms: These affect a pet’s intestines and are spread through ingesting contaminated soil.
  • Giardia: A protozoan parasite that causes diarrhea and is spread through contaminated water.

Prevention of parasites is typically managed with regular deworming treatments and maintaining a clean environment to minimize exposure to infectious stages of these parasites.

Screening for heartworm: This is crucial for pets, especially in areas where mosquitoes are common, as mosquitoes transmit heartworm larvae. Regular screening and preventive medications are vital to protect pets from this potentially fatal condition.

Screening for diabetes: Regular screening for diabetes involves checking blood sugar levels and may include urinalysis. Early detection allows for better management of the disease through diet, exercise, and insulin therapy if needed.

When it’s time for your pet’s physical exam, choosing the right veterinary clinic is crucial. At Revel Vet, we understand the unique needs of each pet and offer a compassionate, professional environment that ensures the best care for your animal companion. 

Choosing Revel Vet means opting for a veterinary clinic that combines advanced medical technology with a deep commitment to your pet’s mental and physical health.