Blog | Revel Vet


  • Stages of Tooth Decay in Pets

    Stages of Tooth Decay in Pets

    Tooth decay may initially appear to be a minor issue, but it can significantly impact your pet’s overall health and well-being. Dental infections do not mect the oral cavity; they can have systemic repercussions. When a pet’s teeth and gums become infected, the bacteria can enter the bloodstream, leading to widespread infections that can affect…

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  • Beware of Head Pressing in Dogs

    Beware of Head Pressing in Dogs

    We’re all familiar with our dogs pressing up against us, whether they’re seeking affection or indicating a desire to go outside. However, head pressing is a distinctly different behavior and typically manifests in a way that is not easily confused with these normal actions.  Unlike the affectionate or communicative pressing against their owners, dogs exhibiting…

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