How Common is Heartworm in Dogs in Arizona? | Revel Vet

How Common is Heartworm in Dogs in Arizona?

You hear about heartworms all the time from your vet. The importance of monthly preventative efforts, regular testing, and more. But do you know why?

As your Queen Creek neighborhood veterinarians, our goal is to provide you with accurate information about heartworm disease in dogs. The thought of heartworm disease can be scary for pet owners. That’s why it’s important to work with a veterinarian who can provide clear, accurate information about heartworm disease and preventative care options.

Our goal at Revel Vet is always to provide a calm and comfortable environment for our patients, which includes minimizing stress during routine preventative care and making the treatment process as stress-free as possible if your pet is diagnosed with heartworm disease.

In this blog, we will cover all of the basics so that you can enter your next vet appointment already informed and empowered to make decisions for your pet.

What is Heartworm in Dogs?

Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal condition caused by a parasitic worm called Dirofilaria immitis. The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes and can affect dogs of all ages and breeds, as well as other animals such as cats. It is prevalent in many parts of the world, including the United States.

Heartworm disease is a common problem in dogs, particularly in areas where mosquitoes are prevalent. According to the American Heartworm Society, heartworm disease has been diagnosed in dogs in all 50 states of the United States and is particularly prevalent in warm, humid areas.

The prevalence of heartworm disease varies depending on the region and time of year. In some areas, up to 45% of dogs may be infected with heartworms. However, the use of preventative medication has helped to reduce the incidence of heartworm disease in many areas.

What are the First Signs of Heartworm in Dogs?

In the early stages of heartworm disease, dogs may not show any symptoms or only show mild, non-specific symptoms. As the disease progresses, the symptoms of heartworm in dogs can become more severe and potentially life-threatening.

Here are some of the common signs of heartworm disease in dogs:

  • Coughing: A persistent cough is one of the most common signs of heartworm disease in dogs. The cough may be dry or may produce mucus.
  • Exercise intolerance: Dogs with heartworm disease may tire easily during physical activity or show a reluctance to exercise.
  • Weight loss: Heartworm disease may cause weight loss despite dogs having a normal appetite.
  • Reduced appetite: Some dogs will have a decreased appetite or show a reluctance to eat.
  • Lethargy: Dogs with heartworm disease may seem tired or lethargic, even when they haven’t been active.
  • Difficulty breathing: As the disease progresses, dogs with heartworm disease may experience difficulty breathing or show signs of labored breathing.
  • Swollen belly: In some cases, dogs may develop a swollen belly due to fluid accumulation in the abdomen.

If you notice any of these symptoms in your furry friend, it’s important to contact your Revel veterinarian right away. The earlier heartworm disease is detected and treated, the better the chances for a successful outcome. We will perform a blood test to check for heartworm disease and provide appropriate treatment options if necessary.

Are Heartworms Contagious in Dogs?

Heartworm disease is not directly contagious from one dog to another. It is not spread through contact with an infected dog’s saliva, urine, or feces. Instead, heartworm disease is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito.

When a mosquito bites an infected dog, it picks up microscopic heartworm larvae, which then develop into infective larvae inside the mosquito. When the infected mosquito bites another dog, the infective larvae enter the new dog’s bloodstream and begin to grow into adult worms.

While heartworm disease itself is not contagious, it’s important to note that an infected dog can serve as a reservoir for heartworms and increase the risk of other dogs becoming infected. That’s why it’s important to provide regular preventative medication and annual heartworm testing for all dogs, even if they don’t show any symptoms of the disease. This can help reduce the risk of heartworm transmission in your community and keep all dogs healthy and happy.

How Can I Prevent Heartworms in My Dog?

At Revel Vet, we highly recommend taking steps to prevent heartworm disease in your dog. Preventing heartworm disease is much easier, less stressful, and less expensive than treating an infected dog.

Here are some steps you can take to prevent heartworm disease in your furry friend:

  1. Give monthly preventative medication: The most effective way to prevent heartworm disease in dogs is by giving them a monthly preventative medication prescribed by your veterinarian. These medications come in different forms such as chewable tablets, topical solutions, or injections. These medications work by killing any heartworm larvae that may have been transmitted to your dog by mosquitoes before they have a chance to mature into adult worms.
  2. Test your dog annually: It’s important to have your dog tested for heartworm disease annually, even if they are on preventative medication. This test is a simple blood test that can be done during a routine veterinary exam. Catching heartworm disease early can make it easier to treat and minimize the impact on your dog’s health.
  3. Protect your dog from mosquitoes: Since heartworm disease is transmitted through mosquito bites, it’s important to take steps to reduce your dog’s exposure to mosquitos. This can include avoiding outdoor activities during peak mosquito hours, using mosquito repellent sprays or lotions that are safe for dogs, and keeping your home and yard free of standing water.
  4. Regular veterinary check-ups: Regular check-ups with your veterinarian can help ensure that your dog stays healthy and free of heartworm disease. During these appointments, your veterinarian can assess your dog’s overall health, discuss any concerns you may have, and make any necessary adjustments to your dog’s preventative care plan.

By following these preventative measures, you can help keep your furry friend safe from heartworm disease and ensure that they live a long, healthy life. At Revel, we always prioritize our patients’ well-being and will work with you to create a personalized preventative care plan that meets your dog’s unique needs.

To Sum It Up

One of the most important aspects of preventing heartworm disease is regular screening and preventative medication. 

Testing for heartworms is done through a simple blood test, and if your dog is found to be negative, preventative medication can be prescribed by your veterinarian to help continue to protect your dog against heartworm disease.

It’s important to note that while preventative medication can greatly reduce the risk of heartworm disease, it is not 100% effective. Therefore, it’s crucial to continue testing for heartworms on a regular basis and follow your veterinarian’s recommendations for preventative care.

If your dog does test positive for heartworms, treatment is available, but it can be lengthy, expensive, and stressful for your furry friend. It’s best to catch the disease in its early stages before it progresses too far, which is why regular screening is so important.

At Revel Vet, our practice is centered around planning your pet’s health. When you set up your first appointment, our vets – Dr. Cindy and Dr. Draper – will work with you to create a custom plan, which includes preventative care and appointments. Reach out today to schedule!