Dr. Kris’ Daily Pet Care Checklist | Revel Vet

Dr. Kris’ Daily Pet Care Checklist

Every pet is an individual. They all have their own quirks, personality traits and behaviors. Each dog or cat is in a different stage of life and condition and may require specific routines to fit their needs. Sometimes our daily habits change based on where we live. Let’s just be honest: What is on our radar for pets in Arizona is very different from worries that pet owners have living in the Northeast. 

But what should we be doing every single day as pet owners no matter our pets’ age, gender or location? 

We put together an easy-to-implement daily pet care checklist from Revel Vet’s very own, Dr. Kris Latson.

1. Check your pets’ ears.

“I am a fanatic about keeping my dogs’ ears clean and dry. The best way to figure out whether there’s some kind of infection lurking in the ears is to put your nose right up to their ears. Smell is one of the best tests versus just visually looking. I actually put my nose up to their ears everyday.”

If you have a dog breed that is prone to ear infections, then you know how unpleasant it can be to treat, for both human and dog. Daily pet ear care can help you notice anything before it becomes a large problem. 

“In Arizona, I have dogs that go into the pool daily, but even when we lived in Colorado, one of my dogs, Cosmo, is a notorious dirty ear boy! Having treated so many ear infections over the years as a veterinarian, I am a huge advocate of daily care. ”  

Cats can also get ear infections, so if you are a feline pet owner, don’t skip this step on your daily pet health checklist.

Dr. Kris also points out that she is not necessarily cleaning the ears everyday, but she is definitely checking them out. 

2. Do a gentle physical exam.

Everyday, make sure that you run your hands over your cat or dog. This can be an opportunity to build your relationship with your pet, as you will do this gently while petting and massaging them.

“One of the rituals I sneak in everyday as I am massaging my pets is a gentle physical exam.” 

It is a practice that is not only helpful for keeping your pet in tip-top health, but it also helps your pet get used to you handling them. Animals that are used to being handled on every part of their bodies are more willing to let you help them and they can also be easier to work with at the vet clinic. 

“I always advocate that pet parents should know their dog or cat. You can do this everyday by running your hands over them. For example, there have been times when I found foxtails in Cosmo’s hair or a stick that was stuck in between the molars in his mouth.”

3. Don’t forget to check the tough-to-see areas. 

This tip goes along with your gentle physical exam, but it is worth repeating! It is easy to skip over your dog or cat’s paws, tail and mouth, but those three areas are crucial to check each day.

Get your pet used to being touched in between and all around their paws and on their tails. It is also important that you are able to put your hands in your pet’s mouth safely. 

*If it is not safe to put your hands inside your pet’s mouth, please seek help from a qualified veterinary behaviorist. 

“Some pets do not love certain things, but daily handling has definitely saved me a bunch of times. Whether it’s a thorn in their paws or a rawhide bone that gets stuck in their mouth, being able to get my pet out of trouble has been much easier when I work with them everyday.” 

You can print off Dr. Kris’s care checklist by saving the photo below! As always, let us know if you have any concerns or questions by reaching out here