5 Tips for Thriving During Arizona Monsoon Season | Revel Vet

5 Tips for Thriving During Arizona Monsoon Season

Heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, lightning, strong winds, and then add on the fireworks from Fourth of July (which seem to be around for longer every year), and you’ve got yourself the perfect storm (no pun intended). 

These conditions can affect dogs and cats in several ways:

  • Loud noises from thunder and lightning cause anxiety and stress, leading to behaviors like hiding, whining, or trying to escape. It’s important to create a safe, comfortable space for your pets during storms.
  • Lightning strikes can pose a risk to pets, especially if they’re outside. Keep pets indoors during storms to reduce the risk of injury.
  • Heavy rainfall can lead to flash floods, which can be dangerous for pets if they’re outside or in low-lying areas. Keep an eye on your pets and bring them inside if there’s a risk of flooding.
  • Strong winds during monsoon storms can cause damage to homes and outdoor structures, which can be dangerous for everyone, including your pets. Ensure that outdoor areas where pets stay are secure and free from hazards.
  • Monsoon storms can bring high humidity and heat, which can be dangerous for pets, especially those with thick fur. Make sure pets have access to shade and plenty of water.
  • After a storm, there may be debris, standing water, or other hazards that can pose a risk to pets. Check your yard and surrounding areas for any dangers before letting your pets outside.

Now, outside of the practical life impacts above, if your pet is noise-phobic, this time of year can be especially triggering.  

How Do I Know if My Pet is Suffering From a Noise Phobia?

Noise phobia is an excessive fear and reaction to sound. 

Loud noises from fireworks or storms can affect pets in different ways, but they are all negative, and often characterized by intense avoidance or anxiety

Here are some common ways dogs and cats may display noise phobias:

  1. Pacing or restlessness: Dogs may pace back and forth, unable to settle.
  2. Whining or barking: Excessive vocalization is common in dogs with noise phobias.
  3. Hiding: Some dogs may seek out hiding spots, such as under furniture or in closets.
  4. Panting and drooling: Anxious dogs may pant excessively or drool more than usual.
  5. Destructive behavior: Dogs may try to escape or engage in destructive behavior, such as chewing furniture or digging.
  6. Shaking or trembling: Some dogs may shake or tremble in response to loud noises.
  1. Hiding: Like dogs, cats may try to find a safe hiding spot during loud noises.
  2. Reduced activity: Cats may become less active or refuse to play during noisy periods.
  3. Trembling: Some cats may tremble or shake when frightened.
  4. Excessive grooming: Stress can lead to increased grooming behavior in cats.
  5. Elimination issues: Cats may urinate or defecate outside the litter box when anxious.
  6. Loss of appetite: Anxious cats may refuse to eat during noisy periods.

It’s important to note that each pet is unique, and their response to noise phobias may vary. If your pet shows any sign of noise phobias, it’s essential to provide a safe and comfortable environment for them during noisy events. 

Book an appointment with us as soon as possible so you can keep your pet safe and well. 

Revel Vet’s Top 5 Tips for Thriving During Monsoon Season

First and foremost we want you to know that you and your pet do not have to just “deal with it.” Noise phobias are dangerous and can be destructive. Let’s work together to be prepared! 

We say it every year and we will say it again: Preparation for this season starts NOW, not on July 3rd. 

If you already know that your pet is sensitive, these are some actions you can take, starting today: 

  1. Consider microchipping. 
    It is difficult for us to believe that our pets would run away, but in the heat of a scary moment when the flight/fight response kicks in, if your pet sees an exit route, they might take it. 

    Microchipping can help ensure that you and your pet are reunited in the worst case scenario. 
  2. Keep your pets indoors during scary events. 
    During monsoon storms, keep your pets indoors to protect them from lightning, strong winds, and heavy rain. Create a safe and comfortable space for them to retreat to, such as a quiet room with their favorite bedding.

    If your pet needs to go outside at all during the event, make sure outdoor areas are secure and free from hazards. Check fences and gates for damage that could allow pets to escape.
  3. Be aware of the aftermath. 
    After a storm, be cautious of hazards such as standing water, debris, or downed power lines that could pose a risk to your pets. Same goes for firework debris! Don’t let your pets be exposed to too many chemicals, or pick up any old firework trash to eat or play with.
    You’ll also want to be aware of wildlife, such as the Sonoran Toad, which enjoys the monsoon season, but can pose threats to dogs. Read more about that here
  4. Monitor for heat and humidity. 
    Both monsoon and 4th of July season can bring high temperatures and humidity. Ensure that your pets have access to shade, plenty of water, and never leave them in a hot car.
  5. Book an appointment with your Revel Veterinarian TODAY to make a plan. 

    There are two main classes of prescription medication options, depending on what is best for your pet.
    The first option is a short-term sedative which can be used immediately in the face of unexpected noisy events, such as a thunderstorm or late-night neighborhood firework show.

    The second option is a longer-term play, which has a cumulative effect. These medications require daily use and can help with generalized anxiety, as well as noise phobias.
    Finally, there are some natural calming options available through our pharmacy that we can discuss at your appointment. 

Remember, the sooner you prepare, the better the outcome will be for your dog and cat. No reason to fear or panic, we’ve got your back! 

If you are a new patient, mention code NEW20 for 20% off your new patient exam. 

We look forward to supporting you – the best humans ever – this monsoon and holiday season.